Long division calculator
Long division calculator
Sure, here’s how to use a long-division calculator step-by-step:
- Enter the dividend: This is the number you want to divide. It goes inside the long division symbol, under the division bar.
- Enter the divisor: This is the number you’re dividing by. It goes outside the long division symbol, to the left of the division bar.
- Divide: The first step is to divide the first digit of the dividend by the divisor. Write the result above the dividend, to the right of the division bar.
- Multiply and subtract: Multiply the divisor by the quotient you just found, and write the result below the part of the dividend you just divided. Subtract this result from the part of the dividend you just divided.
- Bring down: Bring down the next digit of the dividend and write it next to the remainder from the previous step.
- Repeat: Repeat steps 3-5 until you’ve brought down all the digits of the dividend.
- Write the final answer: Once you’ve completed all the necessary steps, write the final answer. It will be the quotient (the number you wrote above the division bar) followed by any remainder you may have left over.
For example, let’s say you want to divide 132 by 5 using long division:
The answer is 26 with a remainder of 2, so the final answer is 26 and 2/5 (or 26.4 as a decimal).