Percentage calculator

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Percentage calculator

Percentage calculator

Here are the steps to use a percentage calculator:

  1. Determine the values: You need to determine the original value and the percentage you want to calculate. For example, if you want to find out what 20% of 100 is, then the original value is 100 and the percentage is 20.
  2. Choose the calculation type: You can choose to calculate any of the following values: percentage increase, percentage decrease, percentage difference, or percentage of a number. Choose the type of calculation that suits your needs.
  3. Input the values: Enter the original value and the percentage in the respective fields in the calculator. Make sure you use the correct format for percentages. For example, if you want to calculate 20%, then enter it as 20, not 0.20.
  4. Click on calculate: Once you have entered the values, click on the calculate button to get the result.
  5. Interpret the result: The result will show the calculated percentage value. Depending on the type of calculation you chose, the result may also show the new value after increase or decrease, or the difference between two values.

Some percentage calculators also provide additional features, such as calculating the percentage change between two values or calculating compound interest. These calculators can be helpful in many situations, such as calculating discounts, tax, or tip percentages, or analyzing financial data.


The step-by-step instructions to use a percentage calculator:

  1. Determine the original value and the percentage: To use a percentage calculator, you first need to know the original value and the percentage you want to calculate. For example, if you want to calculate 20% of 100, then the original value is 100 and the percentage is 20.
  2. Decide on the type of calculation: Depending on what you want to calculate, you can choose between four types of percentage calculations: percentage increase, percentage decrease, percentage difference, and percentage of a number.
  3. Choose the correct calculation formula: Each type of percentage calculation has a different formula. Here are the formulas for each type:
  • Percentage increase: (New value – Original value) / Original value x 100%
  • Percentage decrease: (Original value – New value) / Original value x 100%
  • Percentage difference: (New value – Original value) / ((New value + Original value) / 2) x 100%
  • Percentage of a number: Percentage / 100 x Number
  1. Input the values into the calculator: Once you know the type of calculation and the formula, you can input the values into the calculator. Most percentage calculators have fields for the original value, percentage, and sometimes the new value (for increase or decrease calculations).
  2. Calculate the result: After entering the values, click on the calculate button to obtain the result. The percentage calculator will use the formula you chose to calculate the percentage and display the result.
  3. Interpret the result: The result of the calculation will be displayed on the calculator. Depending on the type of calculation, the result may be the new value after an increase or decrease, the percentage difference between two values, or the percentage of a number.

Overall, using a percentage calculator can simplify the process of calculating percentages, making it easier to work with financial or other quantitative data.