GPA calculator

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GPA calculator

GPA Calculator: Enjoy Grade Tracking with


What Is GPA?

GPA or Grade Point Average means the numerical score attributed to how well you performed within a given period such as semester or academic year. The grade points you earn, together with average credits of the classes taken in the semester is what forms the average.

Grade Point Average Formula:

GPA = ∑(Grade Points × Credit Hours) / ∑(Credit Hours)

  • Grade Points: A number given to a student per grade e.g. A = 4.0, B = 3.0, etc.
  • Credit Hours: The number of hours allocated to each class depending on the amount of work to be done.

GPA Calculator: Why Use One?

Calculating your Grade Point Average is not simple. It requires tedious calculations, especially if you have mixed grades and different credit hours. GPA calculators take care of these calculations for you and provide accurate answers in seconds.

GPA Calculator Features

  • Better Accuracy: Accurately computes GPA for any number of courses and credit hours.
  • Various Grading Scales: The system supports different forms of grading (4.0, 5.0, percentage grading scales, etc).
  • Easily process both Weighted and Unweighted GPA: The calculator can seamlessly switch between both.
  • User-friendly: Accessible for every level of student.
  • Access with Ease: The calculator can be accessed anywhere, free of charge.

GPA Calculator: How to Use

  1. Visit the site: Head to and find the calculator tool section to locate the GPA calculator.
  2. Type in your courses: Enter the grades received for every course (A, B, C) with their appropriate credit hours.
  3. Select a grading scale: Choose the grading system used in the school (4.0 scale, etc).
  4. Calculate: Press the calculate button to see the GPA and academic performance details.

Example: Determining GPA

CourseGradeGrade PointsCredit Hours

Step 1: For each subject, multiply grade points with credit hours:

  • Math: 4.0 × 3 = 12
  • Science: 3.0 × 4 = 12
  • History: 4.0 × 3 = 12
  • English: 2.0 × 2 = 4

Step 2: Sum the values obtained:
12 + 12 + 12 + 4 = 40

Step 3: Sum the total credit hours:
3 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 12

Step 4: Substituting in the formula:
GPA = 40 / 12 = 3.33

Result: GPA = 3.33

What is the GPA Calculator Useful For?

  • Students: Analyzing grades in different semesters and planning to lift GPA.
  • Teachers: Providing students insights on performance and strategies for success.
  • Guardians: Monitoring their child’s academic development.
  • Educational Organizations: Simplifying GPA calculations for reports and evaluations.

What Makes Special for Students?

  • Very Friendly User Interface: Suitable for all users, regardless of technological background.
  • All-Inclusive: Supports diverse grading methods and learning activities.
  • High Accuracy: Powered by well-designed algorithms.
  • Zero Cost: Free to use without barriers.


What’s the distinction between weighted GPA and unweighted GPA?
Higher level courses (like honors and AP classes) are considered in Weighted GPA but not in Unweighted GPA.
Is the calculator useful if a grade system other than 4.0 is used?
Yes, it supports 5.0 scales, percentages, and other systems.
Are there any charges to use the GPA Calculator?
No, the calculator is free for everyone.
Will I be told how to improve my GPA?
You can input current GPA and simulate potential grades to plan improvement.
Is it possible to compute semester GPA and cumulative GPA?
Yes, both semester and cumulative GPA can be calculated.
Can the tool be used on a phone?
Yes, it works seamlessly on mobile devices.


With GPA Calculator, track your academic performance with ease and speed using Its accuracy, custom features, and being free make it the ideal tool for teachers, parents, students, and everyone else. Start being proactive today and set yourself on the path to success.