Area of polygon using side length calculator

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Area of polygon using side length calculator

Area of polygon using side length calculator

To calculate the area of a regular polygon using the length of one of its sides, you can use the following formula:

Area = (n × s²) / (4 × tan(π/n))


  • n is the number of sides of the polygon
  • s is the length of one of the sides of the polygon
  • π is the mathematical constant pi, approximately equal to 3.14159
  • tan is the tangent function

To use this formula with the calculator, simply enter the values of n and s and then solve for the area.


Area of the polygon using side length

To find the area of a regular polygon with n sides and side length s, the formula is:

Area = (n * s^2) / (4 * tan(pi/n))
where tan is the tangent function and pi is the mathematical constant pi (approximately equal to 3.14159).

For example, let’s say we have a regular pentagon with side length of 6 units. Then we can calculate its area as follows:

n = 5 (since it’s a pentagon)
s = 6 (given side length)

Area = (5 * 6^2) / (4 * tan(pi/5))
= (5 * 36) / (4 * tan(0.628))
≈ 61.937 square units
Therefore, the area of this regular pentagon is approximately 61.937 square units.