Time calculator

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Time calculator

how to perform time calculations step by step:

Converting minutes to hours and minutes:

  1. Identify the number of minutes that you want to convert. Let’s call this number M.
  2. Divide M by 60 to get the number of hours.
  3. Take the remainder of M divided by 60 to get the number of minutes remaining.
  4. Write your final answer in the form “H hours M minutes”.

So, the complete step-by-step process for converting minutes to hours and minutes can be written as:

H = M // 60 M_remaining = M % 60

Converting hours and minutes to minutes:

  1. Identify the number of hours and minutes that you want to convert. Let’s call these numbers H and M, respectively.
  2. Multiply H by 60 to convert hours to minutes.
  3. Add the result from step 2 to M to get the total number of minutes.
  4. Write your final answer in the form “T minutes”.

So, the complete step-by-step process for converting hours and minutes to minutes can be written as:

T = (H * 60) + M

Performing time arithmetic:

  1. Identify the times that you want to add or subtract. Let’s call these times T1 and T2.
  2. Convert each time to minutes using the method described above.
  3. Perform the desired arithmetic operation (addition or subtraction) on the two times in minutes.
  4. Convert the result back to hours and minutes using the method described above.
  5. Write your final answer in the form “H hours M minutes”.

So, the complete step-by-step process for performing time arithmetic can be written as:

T1_minutes = (H1 * 60) + M1 T2_minutes = (H2 * 60) + M2 result_minutes = T1_minutes + or – T2_minutes result_hours, result_minutes_remaining = minutes_to_hours_minutes(result_minutes)

I hope this helps!