Time calculator
how to perform time calculations step by step:
Converting minutes to hours and minutes:
- Identify the number of minutes that you want to convert. Let’s call this number M.
- Divide M by 60 to get the number of hours.
- Take the remainder of M divided by 60 to get the number of minutes remaining.
- Write your final answer in the form “H hours M minutes”.
So, the complete step-by-step process for converting minutes to hours and minutes can be written as:
H = M // 60 M_remaining = M % 60
Converting hours and minutes to minutes:
- Identify the number of hours and minutes that you want to convert. Let’s call these numbers H and M, respectively.
- Multiply H by 60 to convert hours to minutes.
- Add the result from step 2 to M to get the total number of minutes.
- Write your final answer in the form “T minutes”.
So, the complete step-by-step process for converting hours and minutes to minutes can be written as:
T = (H * 60) + M
Performing time arithmetic:
- Identify the times that you want to add or subtract. Let’s call these times T1 and T2.
- Convert each time to minutes using the method described above.
- Perform the desired arithmetic operation (addition or subtraction) on the two times in minutes.
- Convert the result back to hours and minutes using the method described above.
- Write your final answer in the form “H hours M minutes”.
So, the complete step-by-step process for performing time arithmetic can be written as:
T1_minutes = (H1 * 60) + M1 T2_minutes = (H2 * 60) + M2 result_minutes = T1_minutes + or – T2_minutes result_hours, result_minutes_remaining = minutes_to_hours_minutes(result_minutes)
I hope this helps!