Matrix addition calculator

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Matrix addition calculator

Matrix addition calculator

 Matrix addition calculator:


To add two matrices, they must have the same dimensions. For example, if Matrix A is 3×3, then Matrix B must also be 3×3. To add the matrices, simply add the corresponding elements of each matrix together.

Let’s say we have two matrices:

A = [2 4 6] B = [1 3 5]
[8 10 12] [7 9 11]
[14 16 18] [13 15 17]

To add these matrices, we simply add the corresponding elements of each matrix together:

A + B = [2+1 4+3 6+5] [3 7 11]
[8+7 10+9 12+11] [15 19 23]
[14+13 16+15 18+17] [27 31 35]

So the resulting matrix is:

[3 7 11]
[15 19 23]
[27 31 35]


Matrix addition

Matrix addition is an operation where two matrices of the same size are added together element-wise to produce a new matrix with the same dimensions. The formula for matrix addition is:

C = A + B

where A, B, and C are matrices of the same size. To find each element of matrix C, you simply add the corresponding elements of matrix A and matrix B. For example, if:

A = [2 4; 6 8]
B = [1 3; 5 7]

Then, the matrix addition C = A + B would be:

C = [2+1 4+3; 6+5 8+7]
C = [3 7; 11 15]