how to calculate next period date

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how to calculate next period date


How to Predict Your Next Period and Track Your Menstrual Cycle

It is very important for women to know the start date of the next period so they can properly schedule engagements, holiday tours, and attend to menstruation health. Every woman’s body goes through a menstrual cycle which is a natural process that occurs and repeats itself over time. Once you understand how to compute the start date of your period, you will be able to keep better track of your cycles and temperature changes. In this article you are going to find out what steps you need to take in order to know when the next period is due and what affects it.

What is a Menstrual Cycle?

A woman’s cycle can be described as the lapse of time between the first day of a particular menstrual period up to a day before the next period. The cycle is usually around 28 days but can differ from individual to individual, lasting between 21 to 35 days. Just like any other cycle, menstruation cycle also has various phases:

  • Menstrual Phase – The phase when menstruation occurs, typically between 3 to 7 days.
  • Follicular Phase – The phase in which the body readies an egg for ovulation, starting on the first day until ovulation.
  • Ovulation – This is when an egg is released from the ovary.
  • Luteal Phase – This is the time we are in after ovulation, and prior to the start of menstruation.

What Is The Process Of Estimating The Date Of Your Next Period?

To be able to estimate your next period, you will have to complete simple steps:

Step 1: Make A Note Of Your Previous Period Dates

To begin, write down the date corresponding to the first occurrence of the previous period you had. This would be the Day 1 of your menstrual cycle. Your next period is computed by adding the number of days that you have determined as your cycle for your menses from the first day of the last period you had.

For example:

If the previous period started on March 1, this is where you begin your calculations.

Step 2: Find Out The Cycle Length

Next, it is imperative that you have the information on how long your menstrual cycle lasts. The average is normally around 28 but for most people it could lie anywhere between 21 to 35 days. If you are not sure how long your period lasts, tracking over a few months can help you pin down a particular ‘norm’.

For example:

If your cycle is 30 days, which is common, it means that you start from the previous menses date and add 30 days to it.

Step 3: Mark a Period of Your Last Cycle and Add It to Your Last Date of Menstrual Cycle

To determine your upcoming period, mark a first of a month on your calendar and add the cycle length to it. So, if you have 30 days in a cycle and your last period started on March 1, your next period will start on March 31.

Next Period Date = March 31

Your next period is expected to start on the last day of March.

Step 4: Prepare for Cycle Changes

Women experience periods at different durations so it cannot be assumed that every woman has 30 days. Your periods can start if you are stressed or change your diet or have started exercising more, so it is pertinent to note these factors. Your cycle may also differ every now and then due to other health issues. If your periods have a pattern of not being consistent, it would be beneficial if you kept a journal for a few months and at least 4-5 cycles before attempting to guess when the next period will arrive and make advances accordingly.

How to Plan Your Schedule for Periods for Women with Irregular Cycles

If you have previously not been able to predict your period dates, this method might take a little longer. You should work like this:

Keep Records of Start Day of Your Periods over 6 Months

Instead of keeping just a single menstruation record, track the starting dates of periods for at least 6 months to detect a possible pattern.

Determine the Range

What would you say is the shortest and longest cycles you have experienced six months back?

Estimate the Range for Next Period

Add both the shortest and longest cycle lengths to the first day of the last cycle in order to calculate the next period.

For instance, If the cycles have a minimum and maximum of 26 and 31 days respectively, and the previous cycle started on the 1st of March, then you would.

Add 26 days to the start of March. This means the next cycle can potentially start on March 27th.

Add 31 days to March: Next cycle can potentially start on March 31st.

It is, therefore, plausible that the next cycle will occur on the 29th or 30th day of March.

Using Online Tools to Calculate Your Next Period Date

If you do not want to manually add dates to your calendar, such solutions to estimating a cycle using an app are available. I have come across numerous mobile period calculator applications and period trackers. These organize and predict the future cycle dates based on the previous cycle data. Some of the reliable apps include:

  • Clue
  • Flo
  • Period Tracker
  • Ovia

All you need to do is plug in the start date of your previous cycle along with the cycle length, and these apps will do the estimations for the next cycle date, ovulation date, and fertile windows.

How to Predict Your Menstrual Cycle Date

We will go over how to estimate your cycle period with this example:

Start Date for Last Cycle: January 15th

Cycle Length: 28 days

To calculate the next cycle date:

January 15 + 28 days =

Next Period Date = February 12th

So in this case, the next expected period will start on February 12th.

Let us go over some actions that may prevent a more accurate outcome for your next period date

Your predicted subsequent period date can depend on a number of factors, such as:

  • Lifestyle: Stress: Stress hormones easily suspend your period or even make it irregular.
  • Lifestyle: Diet and Exercise: Diet changes like eating too little or too much, doing too much exercise, and even extreme weight loss may alter your menstrual cycle.
  • Lifestyle: Health: PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), thyroid problems, or uterine tumors may result in missed cycles.
  • Lifestyle: Medical: Birth control, tablets for menopause, Hormone replacement therapy, or other medical drugs may alter your cycle.
  • Lifestyle: Demographic: Older women, tend to have more irregular cycles. Hence, estimating next period will be unpredictable.

How Do You Deal With A Missed Cycle?

People miss their expected period cycles because of numerous reasons like:

  • Pregnancy: If you are sexually active and a period is missed.
  • A missed period or one that is delayed could be caused by stress or other changes in lifestyle. Other health conditions like hormonal imbalances or PCOS might also cause your period to be delayed.

Should your period be delayed by over a week, it might be prudent to either check for pregnancy or seek medical attention.


Is it possible to predict periods with irregular cycles?

Sure. After documenting monthly periods, one can estimate the next period using the shortest or longest cycle while other period tracker applications can be of help too.

Are online period calculators accurate?

Such apps or websites tend to be accurate for regular cycles, but prediction for latent cycles might differ. Nevertheless, it is still a good estimate.

Can stress cause delay to your periods?

Yes, stress is one of the most common causes for the delay or disruption of the menstrual cycle.

What happens if my period does not show at all?

Missing a period could be due to pregnancy, stress, or certain medical conditions. The easiest solution would be taking a pregnancy test followed by a check-up with your healthcare provider.

How long is the regular duration for a period?

Periods do have an average range with 3 and 7 days being common, however this range is variable for each individual.

Final Thoughts

Estimating the date of the next period is very useful in tracking your menstrual cycle. Following these tips above, you can conveniently anticipate the starting date of your periods. Do remember that the cycle may change due to stress, nutrition, or any illness. So it is always helpful to monitor your periods in the long run. On the flip side, whether it is a calendar, app, or a period tracker, you can benefit from understanding more about your body and your cycle to better manage your health and life.