how to calculate attendance percentage

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how to calculate attendance percentage


How to Calculate Attendance Percentage

What is Attendance Percentage?

Attendance Percentage refers to the total number of days a student attends class divided by the number of days the classes were conducted. This is one of the key metrics for educational institutions because it gives a picture of the student’s level of class attendance. To write exams and take part in many academic activities, students in most schools, colleges and universities are expected to have a specific attendance percentage.

The Formula to Calculate Attendance Percentage

To calculate your attendance percentage the following is the method of calculation:

A student calculating their attendance percentage using a formula.

Attendance Percentage = (Number of Days Attended / Total Number of Classes Held) x 100


Attendance Percentage = (Number of Days Attended / Total Number of Classes Held) × 100


  • Number of Days Attended means the sum of all the days you have participated in class.
  • Total Number of Classes Held means the total amount of classes conducted within the said period (semester, term, etc.)

Step-wise Calculation of Attendance Percentage

In this, I will guide you through the entire procedure of how you are going to come up with the percentage including all the steps and instructions that you need to carry out.

Step 1: Count the Number of Days You Attended Classes

First, you need to find the amount of days you attended classes. The needed information could be provided by the attendance records available with your school or college. Make sure you include all days present including any days of partial attendance.

Step 2: Determine the Total Class Count

Next, you will have to know the total classes that were conducted. You can obtain this information from your course timetable or your attendance list. Do keep in mind that only the conducted classes ought to be counted, and not the canceled classes, holidays, or those classes where there was no teacher available.

Step 3: Use the Formula

At this stage you now have both the Number of Days Attended and the Total Number of Classes Held. Use class attendance percentage formula of the school:

Attendance Percentage = (Number of Days Attended / Total Number of Classes Held) * 100

Attendance Percentage = (Total Number of Classes Held / Number of Days Attended) * 100

Step 4: Analyze the Outcome

In the previous step you have calculated the attendance percentage for the specific subject. For school and university, attendance percentages are a reflection of participation as well as the total number of classes attended as compared to the overall number of classes. Most institutions prefer higher attendance percentages.

Example Calculations:

Example 1:

Number of Days Attended = 45

Total Number of Classes Held = 50

Using the formula:

Attendance Percentage = (45 / 50) * 100 = 90%

In this case, your attendance percentage has been calculated to be 90%.

Example 2 (With Reduced Classes):

Number of Days Attended = 35

Total Number of Classes Held = 40

Using the formula:

Attendance Percentage = (35 / 40) * 100 = 87.5%

Again, here the attendance percentage is calculated to be 87.5%.

Reasons for Lacking in Class Attendance Between the Students:

While a lot of schools or universities strive to have their pupils regularly attend classes and pigeonhole attendance to a certain point, it does severely have adverse effects on students on various levels.

With low attendance, a student may face the following challenges:

  • Inability to Attend/Examine: While schools and universities promise quality education, one of the guidelines rarely put in a positive outlook is the fact students are not allowed to attend if the overall attendance is less than 75%.
  • By Definition: Low attendance may result in students being given assignments below their skills. Some colleges may reduce attendance students’ grades.
  • Impact on Academic Performance: Chronic absenteeism implies disinterest which would have a negative impact on one’s overall academic achievement.

How to Increase Your Attendance Rate

If your attendance is quite low, consider putting the following measures into practice:

  • Time Management: Attend every one of your scheduled classes. Make an attempt to achieve a consistent daily routine and manage your time properly.
  • Make Up for Missed Classes: Make it a point to cover lectures, assignments, and homework that you may have missed due to other reasons.
  • Set Priorities: Do not pay attention to anything that can be classified as an academic distraction. This should ensure that you will attend classes.
  • Discuss with Teachers: Approach your teacher for any valid reason that causes poor attendance (health concern, personal problem). Sometimes, they can be accommodating and allow you to substitute or do extra work instead.

Attendance Percentage in Different Contexts

The procedure of calculating attendance percentage is almost entirely the same, but the context for use can differ:

  • Schools: A number of schools calculate attendance percentage for each individual subject. In case the student attends one subject less than all the other subjects, it may still pose a challenge.
  • Universities: The calculation of attendance in universities can be done at a departmental level or at a particular subject level – attendance in some subjects may be measured against others. There are courses or certificates where a student may be required to clear all subjects with at least a particular overall percentage.
  • Workplaces: In employment situations, different branches also use attendance calculations. It is however common knowledge now that good ranking in attendance means better chances of promotion or increased job stability.

For those who find manual methods tedious, there are sites and mobile apps that can assist. You can enter the days you’ve attended classes and skips and the app will do the calculations. Some education platforms even have a feature that sends alerts when attendance is too low.


What if an attendance percentage calculator is required with missed days because of my illness?

The basic calculation does not change just because classes were missed due to a medical or personal issue. All that is needed is the count of days a student was present versus the overall number of classes scheduled. There are some institutions that would permit exclusion forms forwarded with medical certificates.

What is the minimum attendance percentage required to appear for examinations?

The minimum attendance percentage to be eligible to sit the examinations is not the same for all institutions. It is usually somewhere between 75% and 90%. Consult your institution’s regulations for specifics.

What steps should I take as a student if my attendance is low and I am about to fail the semester?

If you are a low attendance student and are at risk of failing grades, you should be proactive and reach out to your instructors or academic advisors without delay. Some institutions provide extra classes, or essays, or even grant extensions to assist students in fulfilling the attendance norm.

Can attendance percentage be computed for each subject separately?

Yes, it is possible to calculate the attendance percentage per individual subject. This is rather common in schools where each student’s attendance to subjects is individually recorded.

Are online classes used to compute attendance?

Generally speaking, online classes are accepted as part of the present attendance mark at most institutions. This may be subject to regulation however, so you might be required to attend virtual sessions and participate or do things such as attend live classes and submit homework which will mark you present.

May I adjust my attendance percentage after the semester is over?

After the semester has closed, you are unable to increase your attendance percentage. However, it will help you in the future if you work on your attendance next semester.


With the help of this percentage calculator, attendance can be monitored easily which indirectly tracks your engagement in the academics. Whether you are a school student or in college, you need to aim at scoring a satisfactory attendance percentage not only to fulfil the academic requirements but also to truly benefit from the learning experience. With the information contained in this guide and with the suggestions on improving attendance, you can exercise full control over tracking your participation and academic work.