how to calculate 10th percentage

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how to calculate 10th percentage

How to Calculate Your 10th Grade Percentage

When it comes to higher education and scholarships, your 10th grade percentage is one of the most worth paying attention to. This is especially since it is one key determinant during program applications. Having a clear understanding of your performance and future goals should always be coupled by accurate calculations of your percentage scores. Whether pursuing CBSE, ICSE, or a state board, the process of calculating your 10th percentage is almost similar. In this case, we offer a detailed guide on how to calculate a 10th grade percentage, give a thorough explanation of the formula, and provide easy-to understand examples.

What is 10th Percentage?

Your 10th percentage is the ratio between the total marks obtained across subjects in relation to the total maximum marks, expressed in percentage. Higher education institutions, universities, and employers often use it to evaluate academic performance, and therefore it serves as one of the most important criteria for selection into institutions or even jobs. In most cases, the 10th percentage is calculated after your board exams are over and the results are published.

The formula to calculate your 10th percentage is:

Percentage = (Total Marks Obtained / Total Maximum Marks) × 100


  • The given formula states that the Total Marks Obtained is the sum of the marks you received in all your subjects.
  • The Total Maximum Marks is the summation of the highest marks available in all the subjects.

How to Calculate Your 10th Percentage Score?

These are the steps that will lead you in calculating your 10th percentage:

Step 1: Check The Marks For Each Subject

Record down marks achieved in every individual subject. Normally, students take examinations for:

  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • English
  • Languages – Hindi/French or any others
  • Electives (optional)

For example:

  • Mathematics: 80
  • Science: 75
  • Social Science: 70
  • English: 85
  • Hindi: 90
  • Electives: Computer Science – 85

Step 2: Find The Total Marks Secured

Calculate the sum of all marks scored in every subject passed.

80 + 75 + 70 + 85 + 90 + 85 = 485

So, Marks Secured = 485

Step 3: Find The Maximum Marks Count

Then, calculate the maximum obtainable marks of each subject. If every subject is scored out of an upper limit of 100 marks, then:

100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 = 600

So, Maximum Marks = 600

Step 4: Use the Formula

Let us use the formula and find out your 10th percentage:

Percentage = (485 / 600) × 100 = 80.83%

As a result, the 10th percentage is calculated as 80.83 percent.

Mathematics Example: Calculation of Adjusted Averages for Other Subjects with Changes in Marks

To make the calculations clearer, let us take an illustration where different subjects have different marks obtained by the students.


  • Mathematics: 88
  • Science: 86
  • English: 78
  • Social Studies: 74
  • Hindi: 69
  • Physical Education: 63

Calculation of Academic Achievement Marks:

88 + 86 + 78 + 74 + 69 + 63 = 458

Achievement Marks (Maximum Per Subject):

100 per subject except Physical Education (50).

100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 50 = 550

Final Percentage Computation:

Percentage = (458 / 550) × 100 = 83.09%

In this case, the 10th percentage is calculated at 83.09%.

Explaining the Scenario Where Subjects Have Different Maximum Marks

In circumstances where the subject matter comprises of different maximum marks, one has to find the markup for each subject. Here’s how to go about it:

  • Define each subject’s maximum marks: For example, one subject may be out of 100, and another out of 50.
  • Add all marks obtained and maximum marks: Add all the marks you obtained, and then the maximum marks for each subject.
  • Using the formula: Apply the formula as described above, but ensure the total maximum marks are representative of the actual total of all the subjects you took.

For instance, if your 10th examination consists of Mathematics (100 marks), Science (100 marks), Social Science (100 marks), and English (100 marks), and an elective subject (50 marks) then you obtain these marks as follows:

  • Total Marks Obtained = (sum of marks in all subjects)
  • Total Maximum Marks = (sum of maximum marks in each subject)

Reasons why 10th Percentage is Crucial

Many of us have wondered how important percentage is from 10th standard. Following are some possible reasons why your percentage is important:

  • Pursue Higher Education: Your percentage is important for getting admission in high school, junior college, or universities. Grades from class 10th serve as a benchmark for most colleges, so they have minimum cutoffs.
  • Scholarships: There are many scholarship programs which need you to score a minimum percentage in your 10th exams to qualify.
  • Career Options: Some job openings, especially in the public sector, require you to have a certain percentage in your 10th exams.
  • Personal Evaluation: Your 10th percentage enables you to know your academic strengths and the areas you need improvement for the future.

Ways to Improve Your 10th Percentage?

Striving to improve your 10th percentage? Take these tips into consideration:

  • Controlled Study: Make a timetable and follow it. Devotion to consistency cultivates success.
  • Concentrate on Negative Areas: Find subjects you perform poorly in and prioritize them.
  • Regular Practice: Work on question papers and sample papers from previous years to get acclimated with the exam format.
  • Holistic Living: Balanced diets and regular exercise would enhance concentration and energy levels, therefore improving performance.
  • Seek Assistance: If you have difficulties learning certain topics, you should not hesitate to approach your teacher or colleagues for assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

May I get the percentage for my 10th exam from any single subject?

No, the percentage is given based on the total marks earned for every subject. You are required to sum up the marks for all subjects and then get the percentage.

Is the percentage obtained in the 10th exam uniform for all the educational boards?

The percentage is computed similarly in all situations but the grading and marking may differ, more so between the CBSE, ICSE, and the State boards.

Is achieving an 80 percent in 10th grade a good mark?

Yes, scoring 80% is a good score in the 10th examination, since it has the potential of earning you the chance for higher education and possible scholarships. Though, that mark may not be adequate for some of the high-end colleges.

What if I have various subjects with varied maximum marks, how do I obtain my 10th exam percentage?

You are able to get your 10th percentage by computing the sum of subjects’ marks and dividing the score by the total maximum marks, factoring in the differences in maximum marks for each subject.

What is the qualifying percentage for 10th grade?

Typically, students are required to score around 35% in every subject in order to clear the 10th-grade examinations, although this might differ slightly, depending on the board.


Working out your 10th percentage is very simple because you only have to sum your marks for the subjects and then divide them by the total maximum marks. That figure is multiplied by 100. This figure is important in schools and abroad and serves as a good marker of how well you did in high school. Knowing how to calculate it while improving your study habits will have a positive effect on your achievements aiming towards higher education.