Hex to decimal converter

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Hex to decimal converter

To convert a hexadecimal number to a decimal number, you can use the following steps:

  1. Write down the hexadecimal number.
  2. Assign each hexadecimal digit to its corresponding decimal value (0-9, A-F).
  3. Multiply each digit by 16 raised to the power of its place value, starting from the rightmost digit.
  4. Add up all the products from step 3.

Here’s an example:

Convert the hexadecimal number 3D to decimal.

  1. Write down the hexadecimal number: 3D
  2. Assign each hexadecimal digit to its corresponding decimal value:
    • 3 = 3
    • D = 13
  3. Multiply each digit by 16 raised to the power of its place value:
    • 3 * 16^1 = 48
    • 13 * 16^0 = 13
  4. Add up all the products from step 3:
    • 48 + 13 = 61

Therefore, the hexadecimal number 3D is equal to the decimal number 61.