GPA Calculator

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GPA Calculator

What is GPA?

Grade Point Average (GPA) is the unitary number that represents the performance of a student at any level in the education system. GPA can also be referred to as compass in guiding students throughout their academic journeys. Just as Smith (2018) said, “The GPA serves as an academic ledger, recording a student’s intellectual journey in numerical form. Jones (2020) stated, “the compass guiding students through the academic seas, ensuring they remain on course” which helps in setting academic goals and targets.

Acquiring Information and Adding Validation

While one validates the user’s range of values, they also need to ensure that the correct and precise data is collected in the process. The accuracy of the earned grades has to be ensured by providing a range of preestablished values which guarantees everyone is treated equally when it comes to grading.

Assigning Grade Points

Points for grades are assigned letters and numbers and the following computations are to be done for GPA calculation:

  • A = 4.0
  • B = 3.0
  • C = 2.0
  • D = 1.0
  • F = 0.0

Steps to Calculate GPA

To calculate your GPA, here are the steps to follow. GPA = {(Grade Point x Credit Hours) + (Grade Point x Credit Hours)} / Total Number of Credit Hours. From that, the resultant scores can be added afterward. After multiplying your credit hours with the grade point, total the weighted score. Finally, divide the total score by the credit hours.


SubjectMarkWeighted AveragePoints EarnedCumulative Score
Social StudiesC2.036.0

38.0 Weighted Points

Total Points = 12

GPA = 38.0 / 12 = 3.17

Employing a GPA Knapsack

Why struggle with manual calculations when you can use GPA knapsacks? Just:

  • Upload your subjects and scores
  • Type in the hours of credits
  • Hit calculate and receive results instantly.

Ways of Calculating GPA

  • GPA for a Semester: This is computed for one course taken in a single semester.
  • Total GPA: This accounts for all subjects taken throughout the years.
  • Weighted GPA: This system gives additional value for advanced placement and honors classes.
  • Non-weighted GPA: This is calculated based on a 4.0 score system, with no additional reward.

Pros of Using the GPA Calculator

  • ✔ Reduced Task Time
  • ✔ Minimizes Mistakes
  • ✔ Assists in Achievement Planning
  • ✔ Helpful in Networking
  • ✔ Better GPA Tracking

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I retake a subject?

Policies differ, as some institutions will update the old mark, while others average between both marks.

What marks are considered satisfactory?

Around 3.0 are acceptable GPAs, though the most sought after universities usually look for 3.5+.

Can we have a GPA greater than 4.0?

Yes, this is possible with the use of weighted averages.

What is the impact of an F mark?

An F insignia (0.0) will incur the greatest reduction in GPAs, and some schools do offer the chance to remediate.

How may I raise my grade point average?

  • Put in extra effort and maintain concentration.
  • Perform additional credit tasks.
  • Distribute classes with less difficult ones.


GPA calculators are extremely helpful in creating an academic plan. They allow students to monitor their progress, identify objectives, and make rational decisions concerning their goals effortlessly and instantly.