Convert XML to TSV

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Convert XML to TSV

Converting XML to TSV (tab-separated values) involves transforming the data from an XML format to a plain-text representation where fields are separated by tabs. Although it can be done programmatically using libraries and tools, I will provide you a manual approach to convert a simple XML structure to TSV format.

Let’s say we have the following sample XML data:

<name>John Doe</name>
<Department>Human Resources</Department>
<name>Jane Smith</name>

And here’s the equivalent TSV representation:

name age department
John Doe 30 HR
jane smith 25 it

Step-by-Step Conversion:

1. Identify XML elements and attributes:

– Identify elements and their associated values in XML data.

2. Create TSV header:

– Enter column headers separated by tabs. Each header corresponds to an XML element.

3. Convert XML to TSV:

For each “employee” element, extract the values of “name,” “age,” and “department.”
– Separate the values with tabs and write them as rows in TSV format.

By following these steps, you can manually convert XML data into TSV format. However, for more complex XML documents or larger datasets, it may be more efficient and accurate to use automated tools or programming libraries. Various programming languages, such as Python, Java, and JavaScript, offer libraries and utilities for XML parsing and TSV generation, making the conversion process fast and easy for a wide range of datasets.

Convert XML to TSV

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