Category: Web Developer Tools

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Convert XML to JSON

 Convert XML to JSON – The Easiest Solution On The Internet by Data is preferably stored in either XML (extensible markup language) or JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) formats. XML has a lot of hierarchy constructs and is quite verbose while a JSON is simpler, more compact, and easier to understand for machines and…
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Convert XML to CSV

 XML to CSV – Cut to the Chase from The tasks of processing or analyzing XML files in computer programs such as Excel can be too much to take for some. The ability to transform XML files into CSV however, might prove beneficial. The software allows Excel users to translate XML files…
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Convert XML to Base64

 Convert XML to Base64 – Best & Simple Online Tool by XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a format that is mostly used in storing and moving embedded items, when dealing with sensitive data such as for secure storage, transmission or just inserting it safely into another system, one needs to convert the data…
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Prettify XML

 Prettify XML – The Easiest XML Beautifier Tool from XML or eXtensible Markup Language is a powerful format for data organization and storage. Still, unedited XML files tend to be jumbled and disorganized, especially when produced by automated systems or poorly designed formatting applications. The XO XML Beautifier tool from was created…
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Minify XML

 Minify XML — The Easiest XML Changing Tool That Exists at Data is primarily organized, stored, and exchanged using XML (eXtensible Markup Language) markup. One issue, however, is that the XML files can tend to be long-winded and bulky which makes storing and transmission inefficient. By removing indentations, unnecessary whitespace, and line breaks,…
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Convert Words to Numbers

 From Words into Numbers – The Easiest Function Available at Numbers are a popular representation of data, but are commonly written in text form. This includes legal documents, banking and everyday text communication. Words such as “twenty-five” must be replaced with their numeric version 25 at some point in time. Manually doing it…
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Word Wrap

 Word Wrap – Simplest Flat Form by Text is one of the most formidable weapons in design and communication. Small things such as formatting of text can go a long way in having an organized and eye-appealing content. Long sentences in one line can also be a big turnoff as they are hard…
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Word Splitter

 Word Splitter – World’s Simplest Tool from Sometimes there is a need to split a piece of text into words for easier analysis or formatting or processing. Be it writing or developing or simply analyzing data, dividing the strings of text can be useful to tackle large text inputs. The Word Splitter Tool…
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Word Sorter

 Word Sorter: Organizing Text Data with Ease Introduction: In the world of data organization and text processing, word sorting emerges as a valuable technique for arranging words alphabetically or based on specific criteria. Enter Word Sorter, a powerful tool designed to automate this process and enable users to organize textual data efficiently. In this…
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Count Word Frequency

 The Most Comprehensive Word Frequency Calculator Tool Introduction Like a pro-Word Frequency Calculator, is a tool in action over the web that grows one’s writing operational prowess by enabling them to analyze any text they want in a few simple steps. Word frequency analysis is crucial in linguistics, marketing, and even in creative…
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