Area of polygon using apothem calculator

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Area of polygon using apothem calculator

The Area of a Polygon Using Apothem Calculator: An Efficient Way to Measure Areas

This method is both easy and fast for finding the area of a polygon by its apothem, particularly useful for regular polygons. In design, construction, or land surveying, having an area of polygon using apothem calculator will help analyze data quickly and accurately.

What is the Apothem of a Polygon?

The apothem of the polygon is a line drawn perpendicular from the center of the polygon to the middle of any of its sides. It is important for area calculations, for it aids in determining the total space that is enclosed efficiently.

How Do You Figure Out the Area of a Polygon Using an Apothem?

To calculate the area of a polygon when the apothem is given, the following formula is applicable:

a = (1/2) × Perimeter × Apothem


  • Apothem (a): The distance from the center of the polygon to one of its sides.
  • Perimeter (P): A total length of all the sides of the polygon.


A regular hexagon with a perimeter of 60 meters and an apothem of 8 meters:

(1/2) × 60 × 8 = 240 square meters

Finding the Apothem for Regular Polygons

If the apothem is not given, it can be calculated using the formula:

Apothem = Side Length / (2 × tan(180° / n))


  • n: Represents the number of sides a polygon possesses.
  • Side Length: Length of a singular segment of the polygon.

Apothem Area Calculation by Hand Vs. Computing

Even though it’s possible to derive the area by hand using the formulas above, there are advantages of using an Apothem polygon area calculator such as:

  • Instant Results
  • Unit Flexibility
  • Error-Free Calculation

Benefits of Using Computing in Polygon Area Calculation

  • Speed and Accuracy
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Multiple Units
  • Mobility

Using the Apothem Calculator to Determine the Area of a Polygon Online

  1. Enter the perimeter of the polygon.
  2. Input the required value for apothem.
  3. Select the desired unit for calculation.
  4. Click on ‘Calculate’ to receive the output.

Application of Calculating the Area of a Polygon Using The Apothem

  • Construction
  • Land Surveying
  • Interior Designing
  • Architecture

Area of Polygon Unit Conversion

FromToConversion Factor
Square metersSquare feetMultiply by 10.764
Square inchesSquare feetDivide by 144
AcresSquare metersMultiply by 4046.86

Questions About Area Calculating Using The Apothem Of A Polygon

  • What is the formula to calculate the area of a polygon that has an apothem?
    (1/2) × Perimeter × Apothem.
  • How do I calculate the apothem length of every single side of a regular polygon?
    Side Length / (2tan(180/n)).
  • Is it possible to apply the apothem formula for irregular polygons?
    No, only for regular polygons.
  • What units can I use with the calculator?
    Square meters, square feet, square inches.
  • Are the online calculators accurate?
    Yes, they use precise formulas.

Final Thoughts

The area of polygon using apothem calculator is useful for both professionals and amateurs. It turns the hard job of calculating area of a polygon into a simple easy-to-use tool guaranteeing accuracy.