Pregnancy calculator

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Pregnancy calculator


The journey of bringing new life to this world is accompanied by a neverending list of questions, excitement, and anticipation. For expecting parents, one of the first inquiries that needs to be resolved is the estimated due date of their baby. At, the pregnancy calculator works effortlessly while simplifying the process and making it informative and easier for those expecting. In this article, the use of the calculator, its working process, and answers to the most commonly asked questions will be shared in more detail.

Grasping the Calculation:

Due Dates Pregnancy Calculator follows a technique that is widely accepted, called the Naegele’s Rule. It presumes there is a 28 day menstrual cycle and begins calculating the EDD from the first day of the LMP and adds 280 days (or 40 weeks), which is why it’s a rule of thumb. This is important to note that it is only a means to estimate a due date. The precise date is determined by medical professionals only after evaluating your health and scan.

Advantages Of Using A Pregnancy Calculator:

  • Early Estimation: Utilizes various inputs to calculate from 20 weeks onwards* to provide an initial idea of a due date so you can be prepared around the time.
  • Progress Tracking: Enables you to take records of your pregnancy on a week by week base.
  • Informational Resource: Integration with websites where you can access information related to every stage of the pregnancy.
  • Convenience: Available online hence easy to operate.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. Does the pregnancy calculator provide a definitive due date or pregnancy tracker?
    The calculator provides an estimate based on Naegele’s Rule and a 28-day cycle. Reality can differ. Ultrasounds and your doctor’s assessments provide the most accurate information.
  2. What should I do if I am uncertain of the date of my last menstrual period?
    In the case that you are unfamiliar with your LMP, speak with a physician. They may have to do an ultrasound to get information about your gestational age and enable them to estimate your due date.
  3. Is it possible for the aide to know the gender of the baby before birth?
    Not at all, the aide for pregnancy can only work on predicting due dates and track a pregnancy. They will need an ultrasound in addition to these for gender prediction.
  4. While pregnant, when do I start visiting the doctor?
    Every one has their own arrangement concerning prenatal care, but in general, as one goes deeper into their pregnancy, visits to the doctor will get more regular. The arrangements should be made by the doctor.
  5. When does one typically confirm they are pregnant?
    Confirmation of a pregnancy is usually done through the aid of a pregnancy test, however, some symptoms one can look out for after the first month are frequent urination, fatigue, breast tenderness, morning sickness and even skipped periods.
  6. What things should be taken care of during pregnancy?
    • Prenatal visit: Ensure to not miss appointments scheduled with the doctor.
    • Nutrition: Focus on meals that are healthy and nutritive rich.
    • Prenatal dose: Consume the recommended prenatals.
    • Exercise: Undertake some level of safe exercise.
    • Substance abuse: Avoid smoking, drugs, and alcohol.
  7. Are there any divisions of pregnancy?
    Pregnancy comes in the following three trimesters:

    • First Trimester starts from week 1 to 12: This is when the baby first starts developing.
    • Second Trimester starts from week 13 to week 28: The baby continues with growth and development.
    • Third Trimester starts from week 29 to week 40: The baby prepares for birth and goes through final stages of development.
  8. What other sources of information on pregnancy can I use?
    Your doctor, online sites such as well-known medical organizations, and pregnancy books are some of the many sources that have information concerning pregnancy.


The pregnancy calculator available on our website helps in estimating your due date as well as your pregnancy progress, while still being an estimate, the utmost priority is routine prenatal visitations to medical personnel. All the best for your pregnancy journey!