Age Calculator
Age Calculator
This free age calculator computes age in terms of years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds, given a date of birth. Determine the time between today and your next birthday using the date calculator, or explore hundreds of other calculators addressing math, health, fitness, finance, and more.
An age calculator is a tool that calculates a person’s age in years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. The calculator typically asks for the person’s date of birth and then calculates the difference between the current date and the person’s birthdate. Some age calculators may also allow for calculations based on a future date or a past date.
The formula for calculating age depends on the date format being used. Here are the formulas for some of the most common date formats:
- Age based on birth date and current date: Age = Current Year – Birth Year
- Age based on birth date and a specific date: Age = (specific year) – (birth year)
- Age based on birth date and current date in months: Age = (12 x number of years) + number of months
- Age based on birth date and a specific date in months: Age = (12 x number of years) + number of months
Note: These formulas assume that the dates are in the Gregorian calendar and do not take into account leap years or time zones.